/*global ajaxurl, woocommerce_term_ordering_params */ /* Modifided script from the simple-page-ordering plugin */ jQuery( function( $ ) { var table_selector = 'table.wp-list-table', item_selector = 'tbody tr:not(.inline-edit-row)', term_id_selector = '.column-handle input[name="term_id"]', column_handle = ''; if ( 0 === $( table_selector ).find( '.column-handle' ).length ) { $( table_selector ).find( 'tr:not(.inline-edit-row)' ).append( column_handle ); term_id_selector = '.check-column input'; } // Stand-in wcTracks.recordEvent in case tracks is not available (for any reason). window.wcTracks = window.wcTracks || {}; window.wcTracks.recordEvent = window.wcTracks.recordEvent || function() { }; $( table_selector ).find( '.column-handle' ).show(); $.wc_add_missing_sort_handles = function() { var all_table_rows = $( table_selector ).find('tbody > tr'); var rows_with_handle = $( table_selector ).find('tbody > tr > td.column-handle').parent(); if ( all_table_rows.length !== rows_with_handle.length ) { all_table_rows.each(function(index, elem){ if ( ! rows_with_handle.is( elem ) ) { $( elem ).append( column_handle ); } }); } $( table_selector ).find( '.column-handle' ).show(); }; $( document ).ajaxComplete( function( event, request, options ) { if ( request && 4 === request.readyState && 200 === request.status && options.data && ( 0 <= options.data.indexOf( '_inline_edit' ) || 0 <= options.data.indexOf( 'add-tag' ) ) ) { $.wc_add_missing_sort_handles(); $( document.body ).trigger( 'init_tooltips' ); } } ); $( table_selector ).sortable({ items: item_selector, cursor: 'move', handle: '.column-handle', axis: 'y', forcePlaceholderSize: true, helper: 'clone', opacity: 0.65, placeholder: 'product-cat-placeholder', scrollSensitivity: 40, start: function( event, ui ) { if ( ! ui.item.hasClass( 'alternate' ) ) { ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#ffffff' ); } ui.item.children( 'td, th' ).css( 'border-bottom-width', '0' ); ui.item.css( 'outline', '1px solid #aaa' ); }, stop: function( event, ui ) { ui.item.removeAttr( 'style' ); ui.item.children( 'td, th' ).css( 'border-bottom-width', '1px' ); }, update: function( event, ui ) { var termid = ui.item.find( term_id_selector ).val(); // this post id var termparent = ui.item.find( '.parent' ).html(); // post parent var prevtermid = ui.item.prev().find( term_id_selector ).val(); var nexttermid = ui.item.next().find( term_id_selector ).val(); // Can only sort in same tree var prevtermparent, nexttermparent; if ( prevtermid !== undefined ) { prevtermparent = ui.item.prev().find( '.parent' ).html(); if ( prevtermparent !== termparent) { prevtermid = undefined; } } if ( nexttermid !== undefined ) { nexttermparent = ui.item.next().find( '.parent' ).html(); if ( nexttermparent !== termparent) { nexttermid = undefined; } } // If previous and next not at same tree level, or next not at same tree level and // the previous is the parent of the next, or just moved item beneath its own children. if ( ( prevtermid === undefined && nexttermid === undefined ) || ( nexttermid === undefined && nexttermparent === prevtermid ) || ( nexttermid !== undefined && prevtermparent === termid ) ) { $( table_selector ).sortable( 'cancel' ); return; } window.wcTracks.recordEvent( 'product_attributes_ordering_term', { is_category: woocommerce_term_ordering_params.taxonomy === 'product_cat' ? 'yes' : 'no', } ); // Show Spinner ui.item.find( '.check-column input' ).hide(); ui.item .find( '.check-column' ) .append( 'processing' ); // Go do the sorting stuff via ajax. $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'woocommerce_term_ordering', id: termid, nextid: nexttermid, thetaxonomy: woocommerce_term_ordering_params.taxonomy }, function(response) { if ( response === 'children' ) { window.location.reload(); } else { ui.item.find( '.check-column input' ).show(); ui.item.find( '.check-column' ).find( 'img' ).remove(); } } ); // Fix cell colors $( 'table.widefat tbody tr' ).each( function() { var i = jQuery( 'table.widefat tbody tr' ).index( this ); if ( i%2 === 0 ) { jQuery( this ).addClass( 'alternate' ); } else { jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'alternate' ); } }); } }); }); ahassoc – Arrakhayis Humanity Association

A fulfilled life for everyone

Join us in helping the needy and their communities towards a wholesome live filled with hope and free from poverty, food crisis and water shortage.

Welcome to AHASSOC

We are committed to serve the vulnerable victims of Boko Haram, poor families, orphans and
refugees in Maiduguri and other states of Nigeria for their sustainable development.

Arrakhayis Humanity Association is an independent NGO with national recognition for it’s
humanitarian activities and commitment to meet the necessities of the poor and in restoring
hope for the hopeless and by standing for humanity in any condition.

We focused on developing the livelihood of the poor people, needy families and disadvantaged communities by providing them with humanitarian relief program, aid and relief project.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to improve the quality of life of those in need.

Our Vision

A wholesome and developed life for all mankind.

Our Culture





Commitment to Development

Our Reach

0 +

Live Impacted

0 +

Water Wells

0 +

Children Sponsored

0 +

People Empowered

Our Gallery

A fulfilled life for everyone

Join us in creating hope and solving food crisis and water shortage for the underprivileged. 

Open chat
Thank you for reaching out.