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About Us


We are committed to serve the vulnerable victims of Boko Haram, poor families, orphans and
refugees in Maiduguri and other states of Nigeria for their sustainable development.

Arrakhayis Humanity Association is an independent NGO with national recognition for it’s
humanitarian activities and commitment to meet the necessities of the poor and in restoring
hope for the hopeless and by standing for humanity in any condition.

We focused on developing the livelihood of the poor people, needy families and disadvantaged communities by providing them with humanitarian relief program, aid and relief project.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to improve the quality of life of those in need.

Our Vision

A wholesome and developed life for all mankind.


Arrakhayis Humanity Association has been delivering humanitarian support to people in need in
Maiduguri, Adamawa, Bauchi, Nassarawa and Kano. So far, we have delivered more than 50
hand pumps, 20 wells across these states.
We support the livelihood of the poor communities, help in their development by providing
them with life necessities, safe drinking water, food, hygiene and other basic needs.
Arrakhayis Humanity Association and it’s partner organisations across Middle East, UK, US and
Asia have been providing humanitarian aid, relief programs, clean water, Qurbani, clothing
distribution, Qur’an distribution, iftars and feeding project, and food boxes to hundreds of
We work through partnership with government organisations, national and international NGOs,
foundations, associations, humanitarian organisations in implementing our projects and
bringing about long lasting changes in the life of the needy, poor people, orphans, refugees and
disadvantaged communities.


Arrakhayis Humanity Association is helping the needy and their communities towards building a
wholesome environment that is good it’s inhabitants as well as communities that filled with
hope, free from poverty, water shortage and food crisis.
We reach out to the poorest communities in Nigeria irrespective of their caste, tribe, religion,
gender and the region it is located.


Arrakhayis Humanity Association works unconditionally, do whatever it may take to go
anywhere where help is needed to deliver your donations that you entrusted us with.
We work directly with the locals and beneficiaries of the project in other to carry-out it work
perfectly which would meet the needs of the benecial communities.
We invite the local community leaders (Bulama, Waziri, Lawan, Aja, Ardo, Sarki) to take part in
our advisory board in other to understand their opinions in delivering them a long lasting
project as well as bringing to discuss any problem and challenges their communities are facing
and what we can do in other to solve such problems.
These give us an ideology that whenever we carry out a project, we have good beneficial
satisfaction statements, and when a sustainable project was carried the beneficiaries will take
good care of it.
With these principles in place, we open door to our donors, partner organisations, and funding
agencies that every penny we entrusted with goes directly to the cause, we also gives them the
opportunity to reach as many people as possible and make great and positive impact on their

A fulfilled life for everyone

Join us in creating hope and solving food crisis and water shortage for the underprivileged. 

Open chat
Thank you for reaching out.